jueves, 15 de junio de 2023

Gulag - Anne Applebaum


This is one of the best historical books I have read. Applebaum takes de whole story of the Gulags and explain it in such a systematic, objective, documented way that after finish the book, the reader not only knows more about the Gulags, but also the history of Russia and specifically the Sovietic Union.

The book is fact based, at least that can be concluded from the extensive list of sources are referenced in the book. That gives such a value as historical document and a strong base to understand why Russia is how it is as a country. I found it a very insightful book split it in three sections:
1. The raising of the Gulag as a prison system after Lenin started in the power following the October revolution in 1917.
2. The live in the Gulags - Taking into account all different aspects like transport, live in the camp for women, kids, moribund,
3. The decline of the system.

For someone interested in Russian history, it is definetily a must read book.

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Eugénie Grandet - Honoré de Balzac